Shiny and glossy are two things we want for our hair, but oily is one we definitely don't. Greasy and oily hair can be difficult to care for and you need to treat it sensitively to ensure you manage any excess oil. Oily hair can be quite common but there are several ways you can help manage the problem and keep your locks looking gorgeous. If you find yourself asking “How do I stop my hair from being so oily?” then read on:

Why does hair get oily?

If you have oily hair, the oil is not caused by the hair itself, it's all down to your scalp. The oil comes directly from the sebaceous glands on your scalp so finding oily scalp remedies is key to treating your oily hair problem properly.

Hair can get oily for a wide range of reasons from genetics and hormones to stress and humidity. There is a multitude of possibilities when it comes to the cause of your oily hair, but the main thing to remember is, that it can be treated.

Our Three Core Principles for Managing Oily Hair

For oily hair and oily scalp remedies keep these three key principles in mind:

Shampoo with care

Washing your hair more often is highly recommended if you regularly feel your hair looks oily. Consider washing your hair every other day or even every day if you feel it's necessary. Investing in a high-quality shampoo for oily hair ensures you benefit from specialized ingredients such as rassoul, recognized for its absorbent, degreasing properties. A good dry shampoo can also be really handy for keeping your hair looking great between washes.

Intensely moisturize and condition

As well as your regular conditioning treatment, consider adding a moisturizing or stimulating scalp mask into your routine. Masks intensely nourish your hair and reinvigorate it. Similarly, always make sure you keep your conditioner away from your scalp and only apply it to the ends of your hair.

Consistent scalp care

As your scalp is the culprit for causing oily hair, you need to ensure you give it the care and attention it needs. People with oily hair should take extra steps to care for their scalp and keep in mind ways to minimize excess oil production. Brushing your hair too much or rubbing your scalp vigorously with a towel when drying your hair can both encourage oil production and stimulate the scalp. You should also carefully select hair care products, avoiding those with ingredients that can lead to scalp irritation or buildup.

Caring for oily hair takes a little work but with the right tools and best practices, you should have no problem making the most of your tresses, keeping them both healthy and looking fantastic. Explore ELUXURA's range and find the righ oily hair treatment products. You can also check our blog for more tips.